How to quickly Mass Unfollow Twitter Following
Twitter Mass Unfollow Script How to Guide
How to quickly mass Unfollow on Twitter Step by Step Guide:
1) Open Chrome browser
If you don’t have Chrome browser then you can easily download it from the official website
2) Login to your Twitter account
3) Click on “Following”
4) Right click with your mouse and select “Inspect” or just click “Ctrl”+”Shift”+”I”
5) Click on “Console”
6) Paste Script 1 or 2 depending on your need and hit “Enter”
Script 1
Will click the Unfollow button of everyone on the page.
$.each($(".user-actions-follow-button"), function( index, value ) { });
Script 2
Like script 1 it will click the Unfollow button of everyone on the page but also will scroll down and load more accounts and keep unfollow them all till it will unfollow all your following accounts.
setInterval(function(){t=$(".following").find(".follow-button");if(!t[0]){window.scrollTo(0,$(document).height());}else{ console.log(t.attr("class")); t.trigger("click");}},100)
I unfollowed all the following accounts just because someone hacked my account and followed a lot of random accounts so i just wanted to remove all the spam.
I restored my account, changed the password, removed all the following and now my twitter is active again and now i started follow those who i really want to follow.
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